It should be self evident, but there are many unwise creatures running around this little sphere of ours so we here at kingdom central feel it's in OUR best interest to state the most obvious. This is a blog operated for the enjoyment of rabbits, hares and bunnies BY rabbits, hares and bunnies! And as anyone with the sense God gave the geese understands, rabbits are well, RABBITS! So DO NOT follow any comments, suggestions, directions or wishes offered on these pages UNLESS YOU TOO are of the Lagomorpha Order! We do not want to be held accountable for anybody's tail becoming bushy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Are we praying yet!?

We must begin to work our way back above 13,000.00 soon (read "tomorrow") or we are in a world of hurt!

As I wrote last night, the next stop isn't until we get below 12,000.00.

Be careful in the next few days.

Remember: "Dead cats can bounce too!"

E Rabbitt